As you gaze into the mirror, the sight of chips, stains, and gaps in your smile displeases you. Although you’ve considered dental veneers and crowns as a solution, the cost associated with these procedures is not feasible for your budget. Additionally, the time required for these treatments is significant and does not align with your already packed schedule.
Feeling frustrated? Don’t let time and budget constraints prevent you from achieving your dream smile. Cosmetic dental bonding from Montclair Dental Care, Oakland, California, erases your dental flaws in one appointment! There’s no need to wait, endure shots, or lose enamel —you get a fresher, younger look without inconveniences.
Even small chips and cracks can make you feel insecure about your smile. Luckily, you don’t need extensive dental procedures to erase minor dental flaws. In one visit, we can apply composite resin directly to your teeth to mask cosmetic dental flaws.
Dr. Childers uses dental bonding to correct numerous dental flaws, including:
While dental bonding doesn’t last as long as dental veneers, it can last for over eight years with proper care. This means you brush and floss daily and stick to bi-annual dental appointments. Besides, cut off bad habits like smoking and biting hard objects like ice, candy, and pen caps.
Dental bonding uses composite resin — a soft, plastic-based material — to mask dental flaws in your smile. It’s the same material used to treat cavities and can be manipulated to resemble the shape and color of the surrounding teeth.
Teeth bonding doesn’t require shaving your enamel or anesthesia shots unless the dentist is working too close to a nerve. After selecting a shade that matches your tooth, Dr. Childers roughens your teeth and applies a conditioning gel to create an optimal bonding surface.
Next, we apply composite resin to your “prepped teeth” and then mold it to the desired shape. We then use a curing light to harden the material before polishing it for a natural-looking shine.
Bonding each tooth requires 30-60 minutes, so your entire smile can be done within hours!
Cosmetic dental bonding is a quick, cost-effective procedure to erase minor imperfections for a stunning smile.
If you think this smile enhancement can benefit you in Oakland, CA, please dial (510) 328-7792 to schedule an appointment with Montclair Dental Care.