Dental crowns are a powerful way to restore teeth with severe damage or decay. We have seen Dr. Kenneth Childers use dental crowns to revive teeth that looked hopeless. Crowns may be the size of your fingernail, but they do a lot of “heavy lifting” in dentistry.
Many patients believe dental crowns only treat damage on the back teeth. So when Dr. Childers suggests dental crowns for front teeth, many patients look doubtful. Hear from us: Porcelain dental crowns from Montclair Dental Care, Oakland, California, can restore teeth anywhere in your mouth, including the front teeth.
Replacing front teeth can be tricky. You want something that doesn’t stand out when the front teeth are all out when opening your mouth. We can rebuild your front teeth thanks to porcelain crowns, and no one will notice you have a restoration in place.
We can mold porcelain to match the surrounding teeth. We can shape, size, and color your porcelain crown to mimic the adjacent teeth. When expertly done, your crown becomes virtually indistinguishable from your natural teeth.
Dental crowns give you the best of both worlds. They give your smile a cosmetic upgrade and also boost your oral function to chew, speak, and laugh without pain. You have no reason to settle for a compromised smile if you have a damaged tooth.
Once we restore your smile with dental crowns, you may find yourself smiling more often in front of a mirror. So, you may wonder: How do I make this smile last forever? Your dental crowns don’t last for life, but there are steps you can take to prolong their lifespan.
Generally, taking care of dental crowns is simple. Like your natural teeth, you must brush twice and floss at least once daily. Also, don’t forget about regular dental appointments. However, you can take extra steps to prolong your crowns beyond the 10-year mark. These include:
Are you looking for a smile upgrade with dental crowns in Oakland, CA? Please dial (510) 328-7792 to schedule an appointment with Montclair Dental Care.