If you or a family member suffer from obstructive sleep apnea, there are solutions in Oakland, California. Dr. Kenneth Childers offers a sleep apnea treatment that is more affordable than a CPAP machine, and this treatment is also much more comfortable.
Sleep apnea can be terrifying. Severe cases can have a person waking up and gasping for breath between 100 and 300 times per night. In addition to disrupted sleep, obstructive sleep apnea can also be life-threatening.
Obstructive sleep apnea is unpleasant for sufferers. First, your sleep is interrupted constantly throughout the night. Moreover, the snoring that many people with sleep apnea suffer strains relationships and causes other people to lose sleep. However, the most troubling issue is that sleep apnea can be dangerous.
Here are some of the complications of obstructive sleep apnea.
While some patients resort to using a CPAP machine or undergoing surgical procedures, there is another option for obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep apnea patients can find relief with a custom oral appliance that’s discreet and easy to wear.
A mandibular advancement device (MAD) is often referred to as a mandibular repositioning device (MRD). MADs move the tongue and jaw forward temporarily. This helps to reduce throat constriction, which prevents snoring and sleep apnea.
MADs are custom-made for each patient and are a good fit for people with these challenges.
If you’ve been diagnosed with this troubling condition, you don’t have to resort to extreme treatments. A MAD may help with your sleep apnea symptoms.
If you are residing in or around Oakland and searching for sleep apnea treatment, you can find your solution with Dr. Kenneth Childers and the team at Montclair Dental Care. Give us a call at (510) 328-7792 or request an appointment online today.