Since breathing is an automatic bodily function, most of us never stop to consider the importance of getting enough oxygen. However, for people with sleep apnea, oxygen deprivation is a real problem with life-threatening consequences. People with this condition can stop breathing while asleep several hundred times per night, resulting in lower oxygen levels.
A drop in oxygen can lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, brain damage, diabetes, stroke, depression, diabetes, and more. Sleep apnea can also make you feel more tired when you wake up, which often causes you to consume more caffeine just to function during the day while using sleep medications and supplements to fall asleep at night.
Thankfully, Dr. Kenneth Childers of Montclair Dental Care in Oakland, California, has helped countless patients conquer sleep apnea and can help you do the same using sleep apnea treatments that are proven alternatives to CPAP therapy.
Snoring is one of the most common symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, not everyone who snores has the condition. For those with OSA, snoring results from over-relaxation of soft tissue at the back of their throat, blocking their airway and resulting in an audible vibration. Some people snore very lightly, while others can sound like a freight train.
While snoring can seem like a harmless and even humorous problem, if it’s associated with OSA, it’s no laughing matter. Those suffering from OSA can be prone to daytime fatigue which can cause accidents on the job or while driving a vehicle.
And as mentioned above, OSA can lead to serious health conditions that can significantly reduce your quality of life.
CPAP therapy is the most common treatment for sleep apnea. But, while it’s quite effective, most masks are very cumbersome and difficult to sleep in, which leads to lower rates of compliance by patients.
However, dentists like Dr. Childers often recommend using custom-designed oral appliances you can wear at night to reduce snoring and promote better breathing. These mandibular advancement devices (MADs) push the lower jaw forward, which repositions the soft tissues in your throat and resolves the obstruction.
Better sleep can lead to better health and a better life. Call Montclair Dental Care today at (510) 328-7792 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Childers.